
Welcome to Jess Undecided - a platform I've created to share all my loves + passions.

Jess Undecided originates from a whole lot of soul-searching the last couple years to find what I'm truly about, but what I've found is that you don't have to decide on just one thing to define who you are - you can be undecided

Can't wait for you all to start to explore all of my undecided loves - enjoy your stay!

LIFESTYLE // x Miele // BLIZZARD CX1 // Confessions of a non-vacuum-aholic

LIFESTYLE // x Miele // BLIZZARD CX1 // Confessions of a non-vacuum-aholic

Hey hey,

Today I'm going to be giving you all a sneak peak into my struggles with keeping a clean space. 

YES - I am one of those girls who's male counterpart is "the clean one" in the relationship.

NO - I'm not saying that I'm a slob, but I definitely have cleaning habits that could use some polishing.

I guess you could say it all started when I was young, and from the fact that my parents never gave us "chores". They were the parents that would constantly tell you to do your homework, practice your violin, and drive you to tennis, swimming and karate, but they would never ask us to vacuum or take out the garbage etc. We were lucky ... and unlucky that way because once I moved out and into a house with my girlfriends in university, there was a LARGE learning curve. 

In university, after living in residence first year, I moved into a house with 6 other girls. Yes there were a total of 7 of us and no, there wasn't as much drama as most people might think. We did however decide to make a chore wheel that included dishes, garbage, communal laundry (like dish towels), bathroom duty, and vacuuming. Honestly, vacuuming was probably my LEAST favourite because I hated dragging the vacuum around the house trying to maneuver around all the furniture. Plus, the vacuum bag was always somehow full and the vacuum picked up about 60% of the dirt off the ground. It was just so frustrating to me. 

Fast-forward a few years, I'm living with Trav, who is for reals the CLEANEST person I've ever met. I mean, I can try to hone my cleaning skills for years, but will never come to par with his standards and "cleaning mantra". When we first moved in together, I don't think I've ever been so exhausted in my life because my attention to the cleanliness of our space was on overdrive. Plus, we moved into a new condo where the hallways were still exposed concrete so we were getting loads (I mean LOADS) of dust in our place.

My parents lent me their 20 year-old vacuum to use because we didn't have a powerful enough one to keep up with the persistent construction dust, but this thing was half the size of me and was falling apart. It had this weird smell too that released when you started to vacuum. Needless to say, vacuuming was STILL my least favourite chore to do. So it was hard to keep up with the onslaught of dust that we could see so clearly every sunset because we face west! 

FINALLY, when I was asked to be one of the first people to try MIELE'S BLIZZARD CX1, I was beyond thrilled! It was something that could actually get me excited about cleaning, let alone vacuuming. 

My most favourite features: 


(no more smelly vacuum bags for me + I never have to worry about finding the "right size" vacuum bag ever again!)


(where the air passes through one single, large cyclone resulting in a quiet (so important in a condo) and a superbly powerful machine!)


(I probably have some of the worst allergies of people I know, so the fact that The Blizzard CX1 has reduced the amount of dust release when emptying and cleaning the filter makes my job so much easier ... no more excessive sniffling when cleaning! Plus, their HEPA filter catches even the smallest particles and allergens so that any air discharged from the machine is cleaner than the ambient room air!)


(it has floor-friendly swivel castors with DynamicDrive/4-point steering so I no longer have to worry about hitting corners when I vacuum about!)


(one of the reasons Trav and I hadn't opted to purchase a new vacuum before this is because we didn't want to invest in something that wouldn't last, but The Blizzard CX1 has been tested to last the equivalent of 20 years based on 45 minutes of vacuuming a week ... I HOPE I never have to do more than that!)

Anyways, I should PROBABLY get to actually vacuuming since I was just posing in the pictures ;)

Thankfully the BLIZZARD CX1 has finally made one of my chores more fun. Trav + I actually argue about who gets to do this one now ... up next, has anyone made a bathroom cleaning robot yet?? Just shoot me an email - thanks !!

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LIFESTYLE // x Amazon.ca // My Lazy Day Secrets

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