
Welcome to Jess Undecided - a platform I've created to share all my loves + passions.

Jess Undecided originates from a whole lot of soul-searching the last couple years to find what I'm truly about, but what I've found is that you don't have to decide on just one thing to define who you are - you can be undecided

Can't wait for you all to start to explore all of my undecided loves - enjoy your stay!

Birds of a Feather

Vest - Club Monaco | Vegan Leather Jacket - Zara | Jeans - Topshop | Necklace - Lisbeth Jewelry

So long faux fur ! …okay, not actually, but I've really fallen in love with feather vests and jackets lately… especially this super cute one from Club Monaco (which is on sale!!)

I paired the vest with my go-to uniform (leather jacket + skinnies + boots) for an easy everyday look. 

Hope everyone is having a good time last-minute holiday shopping! I'm definitely still looking for some cute gifts myself!



2016 Necessities: 1) Blanket Scarf

My #1 Wardrobe Must-have for those Holiday Dinners