
Welcome to Jess Undecided - a platform I've created to share all my loves + passions.

Jess Undecided originates from a whole lot of soul-searching the last couple years to find what I'm truly about, but what I've found is that you don't have to decide on just one thing to define who you are - you can be undecided

Can't wait for you all to start to explore all of my undecided loves - enjoy your stay!

Just drop the crotch

Pants - J.Crew | Shoes - Vans

These pants are just about THE cosiest things I have in my closet right now. Plus - I like to think of them as totally acceptable as even "business casual" because they are made of wool dress pant material! …Same material makes it okay right? …I also added a blazer? 

Okay - well I will continue living in my own tomboy bubble, but please feel free to join me if it tickles your fancy too!

Boxcar Social

Cleansing 101 !