
Welcome to Jess Undecided - a platform I've created to share all my loves + passions.

Jess Undecided originates from a whole lot of soul-searching the last couple years to find what I'm truly about, but what I've found is that you don't have to decide on just one thing to define who you are - you can be undecided

Can't wait for you all to start to explore all of my undecided loves - enjoy your stay!



What I'm coveting this week ! 

Organic Cotton Striped T


Find here: Zara

My wardrobe probably consists of >50% T-shirts because I can never get enough. I love the simple and casual feel that a T adds to any outfit - whether it be paired with denim or to dress down a suit. Plus, this T is under $10 AND made of organic cotton! I'd say this is definitely a "win-win".

Converse High Top - White


Find here: Nordstrom

So I'm obviously going back to my white phase with the above T and these sneakers. I've had mine for about 10 years now and have definitely become a sort of security blanket when I don't  know what shoes to wear. But I know I have to get a new pair now since I have finally admitted to myself that there is definitely a hole in the sole…yes I rhymed! I will just have to get used to the stark white until I find a couple of puddles to jump in.  

Sepulveda Dress


Find here: Aritzia

So if you've been following me along on Instagram (@JessUndecided), then you already know that I am planning my trip to Italy … in MAY!! So anytime I'm shopping I have my eye out for easy, light and versatile pieces for me to bring on my trip… because you know… its ITALY ! and I'm going to come back with so much, I need that empty space on my way there! This dress is perfect for what I've been envisioning. I can wear it during the day with sneakers, tuck it in some cut-offs as a tank, or pair it with some beautiful sandals for an evening in some of the most romantic cities in the world!

Street Style: Powder Blue Fever

Street Style: Powder Blue Fever