
Welcome to Jess Undecided - a platform I've created to share all my loves + passions.

Jess Undecided originates from a whole lot of soul-searching the last couple years to find what I'm truly about, but what I've found is that you don't have to decide on just one thing to define who you are - you can be undecided

Can't wait for you all to start to explore all of my undecided loves - enjoy your stay!

LIFESTYLE // x ENDY // How the GIFT of a MATTRESS changed my relationship + 3 month REVIEW

LIFESTYLE // x ENDY // How the GIFT of a MATTRESS changed my relationship + 3 month REVIEW

Looking for the best gift to give your significant other for the holidays? Well let me tell you a little story about an unassuming character that played a larger than expected role in Trav and my. Then you’ll know why THIS is the best gift you can ever get someone in a relationship. 

Ok, let’s start from the beginning. Trav and I met in university where we would take turns sleeping at each other’s places. I had a double bed on a rickety wooden frame, and Trav had a fold-out bed with the world’s lumpiest mattress that I believe had been passed down from his father. Needless to say, we were “slumming” it in terms of sleeping situations, but that didn’t matter because we were still in that honeymoon phase where nothing could bring us down from that fluffy cloud in the sky.

After university, we both geographically went our separate ways and that’s when we first experienced that hardships of a long-distance relationship. He got offered a job out east and I stayed in Toronto to pursue my passion for nutrition. At first he was in St. John’s, Newfoundland, which was too expensive to get to as often as we would have liked, but he rented the cutest multi-story townhouse that had a king size bed. SCORE, right? Well, what we didn’t expect was us not being used to all the space. We had gotten so used to sleeping on a smaller mattress, that the larger mattress just felt bare and anything but cosy. Ya ya, #firstworldproblems, but that’s when we realised we preferred a smaller sized mattress.

Less than a year later, he got transferred to Halifax, Nova Scotia, which was so much easier for me to get to. Mind you, it was still not as easy as driving down the road, but at least you could get there on a direct flight in less than 2 hours. That’s when Trav had bought a new bedframe and mattress. This was a spring mattress with a pillow-top that I immediately found out was too soft for me because I often woke up with a sore back and limbs. Plus, with all my frequent tossing and turning, Trav was NOT impressed with me because he could feel every movement and I often woke him up. Yes, a mattress was causing this much tension in our relatinoship, so beware and choose wisely! Thankfully, at that point we weren’t living together yet, so any arguments we had with the sleeping arrangements quickly melted away when we had to say our teary goodbyes (ok, mine were more teary than his, but I’m more sensitive that way :p).

Fast-forward a couple years, Trav FINALLY moved back to Ontario … London, Ontario though to be clear. At least now he was actual driving distance away. So that started my 2 years of living in my car / the 401 … joking, I didn’t ACTUALLY live in my car, but it felt like it because there was always somehow traffic from Toronto to London everyday and at any time of the day. The truth was though, it was somehow more beneficial to have him out east than in London because living driving distance away put more pressure on both of us to see each other more often now - even though the travel time was the same as when he lived in Halifax. Most of the time I’d be travelling to see him because I was still living with my parents at that point and it was just simpler to have our own space. Yes, if you are all wondering, the sinking marshmallow mattress followed him back to Ontario. I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do about my sore back situation because it was evidently clear that it was being caused by sleeping on that thing. Plus, on top of me waking Trav up with my tossing and turning, his new job had him up throughout the night with phone calls. Let’s just say our sleeping habits were at an all time low and we were bickering a little more than usual.

Finally in 2017, Trav made the big leap to change companies and took a job in Vaughan, Ontario so that we could FINALLY move in together and take another step forward in our relationship. We found a beautiful condo only 10 minutes from his work, since it didn’t really matter for me because I mostly worked from home. I just made sure our place had floor to ceiling windows with lots and lots of natural light. Everyone in my life kept asking me if we were ready for all those huge arguments about things most couples never have to deal with before living together like chores, bills, and seeing each other 24/7. I wasn’t worried about that because we essentially lived with each other already when I’d spend parts of the year out east and every half a week in London. What I WAS worried about was the health of my spine. I was going to have to sleep on that forsaken mattress EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

That’s why I was so so so grateful when I had the opportunity to partner with Endy to try out their mattress. I was so excited because I had heard about this Canadian brand founded by Mike Gettis and Raj Ruparell that was taking over the Canadian e-commerce industry. I also was so intrigued about what kind of quality mattress I’d be getting that could fit into a tiny cardboard box.

Regardless of my apprehension, I took a chance and convinced Trav that it was time to say goodbye to his old mattress for the sanity of our relationship and my ability to move around properly. I even took the initiative to set it all up myself when he was at work (yes, I patted myself on the back).

See the VLOG below to see the unboxing and setting up process (it’s SO easy and fun)! Plus, I gave my final review after 3 months of sleeping on an Endy mattress, see below. :)

My Favorite Things about ENDY:


- The BEST Delivery System -

o   Delivery is not only free to all Canadian provinces and only takes 3-7 days, but the mattress also comes in a tiny efficiently packed box that can fit into even the smallest of condos until you’re ready to unpack it!

- 100 night trial -

o   Like I said in my video, I got to know if the mattress was a keeper in 3 months, so you should have no hesitations about just trying out this mattress because you can return it in 100 nights with free pick-up, a full refund and no questions asked!

- Cooling Feature -

o   Sleeping beside a human furnace is no fun, trust me. So when a mattress has the top layer that is infused with gel, which absorbs and contains body heat throughout the foam to prevent hot spots when you sleep, you have a WINNER.

- Minimal Motion Transfer -

o   I’m a tosser/turner, I admit it. So when my mattress can minimize the effects of my movement on my partner so that he doesn’t wake up mad at you, then I am all for it. Seriously, Trav loves me so much more now that he doesn’t get woken up by me :P

So if everything I’ve said above doesn’t get you excited and want to hit BUY on Endy.com right now, then hit BUY anyways because you have 100 nights to change your mind :) but I’m confident you won’t and we can be mattress friends !!

PLUS, what better gift to get your significant other than the gift of a good night’s sleep?!

As always,

Chat soon cuties!




NUTRITION // Smoothies of November

NUTRITION // Smoothies of November