
Welcome to Jess Undecided - a platform I've created to share all my loves + passions.

Jess Undecided originates from a whole lot of soul-searching the last couple years to find what I'm truly about, but what I've found is that you don't have to decide on just one thing to define who you are - you can be undecided

Can't wait for you all to start to explore all of my undecided loves - enjoy your stay!



Recently, I found out that April is Oral Health Month – so let’s give a shout-out to our pearly toothy friends! I’ve partnered with the - Ontario Dental Association - to share with you my smart oral health routine and to tell you all about how I stay confident in an industry where my confidence is constantly being challenged.


Feeling confident has always been something I struggled with because I have always had high anxiety when meeting new people and speaking in public. Now that I find myself in an industry where I meet new people almost every day, post pictures of myself for hundreds of thousands to see, and find myself in more public speaking opportunities than my old-self would have been comfortable with, I have developed #MyConfidenceChecklist to start each day with meaning and hopefully to inspire you to develop one for yourself too!


1.     Checking in on my smile

I was one of those kids that spent years wearing retainers to shape my adolescent mouth into the perfect shape and then spent years afterwards wearing braces to make sure all my little teeth (yes, I have really tiny teeth - that fit perfectly in my little tiny mouth :) ) sat comfortably + straight next to each other. So, if you couldn’t tell already, I have and still do invest a lot of time and money into maintaining a smart oral health routine.


I always start the morning off with a good 2-minute tooth brushing, flossing, and I also do a mouthwash rinse so that I make sure I get rid of all my night-time bad breath! The mouthwash trick was a tip that I learned from my dentist who I regularly see to make sure my pearly whites are still healthy and clean. Trust me, seeing a dentist is worth it! I know a lot of people do not see the point in it because at our age, there doesn’t seem to be much to worry about as long as we can breakdown our food with our teeth, right? We have so many other things going on like trying to make it big in our chosen career or to save up to buy our first house. We spend so much time and money on these lifelong goals, shouldn’t we do the same with our teeth?! Our teeth are working every day for us, they probably deserve a little TLC at the dentist too!


2.     Curating your perfect wardrobe

Surprise, surprise right? Me, being a style blogger and all :p. One of the reasons I started my blog as a style blog was because wearing the right outfit allowed me to feel confident and I wanted to share that with my community in hopes of helping someone else feel confident too. People often ask me why my wardrobe is so neutral, and it is because I feel the most confident in black, white and/or grey. So find out what styles, color palettes, and textures make you feel the best and rock it, no matter what this season’s style is!


3.     Listening to my body + finding a balanced way to nourish it

Yes, I am a nutritionist, but no, I do not only eat vegetables, and count calories, micro-, and macronutrients every day. I know a lot of people who have found success and happiness from counting their calories, tracking everything they ingest to the gram, and eating only whole foods. However, my body is my own and we need to keep in mind that everyone has a different nutritional journey. Listening to my body helps me learn what works and what doesn’t. Being in tune with my body allows me to feel good even when I have “cheat days” when I snack moderately on my favorite cookie. Eating a balanced nutritional diet helps me feel confident every day.

#MyConfidenceChecklist is something that is always evolving with me as I learn more about myself every day. But I know that these 3 key practices will keep with me forever. Some of these might not necessarily work for you, but if you haven’t seen a dentist in a while, it might be a good time to give them a call to schedule a dental appointment to checkup on those beautiful pearly whites, and keep on smiling my friends!

To find a dentist in your area, visit:


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